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Our Process

At Australian Veteran Advocacy we have a simple and proven process to ensure we consistently deliver the highest standard of Advocate support. This process is tailored to suit the individual circumstances and needs of each veteran.


View a visual representation of the typical Client Journey via the linked file,

Or, explore our five-step process in greater detail below.


We support veterans all over Australia and also those temporarily or permanently located overseas, so can accommodate any level of interaction or style of interaction that you prefer.

Initial consultation and Action Plan development

Appointment as DVA Representative

Implementation of Action Plan

Ongoing support post Action Plan achievement

Conclusion of Australian Veteran Advocacy representation

Initial consultation and Action Plan development

Appointment as DVA Representative

Implementation of Action Plan

Ongoing support post Action Plan achievement

Conclusion of Australian Veteran Advocacy representation

Step Three - Implementation of Action Plan


As your DVA representative, Australian Veteran Advocacy will support you through the implementation and ongoing management of your Action Plan from step one, although this can be varied should your specific needs change over the course of our engagement.


The scope of what Australian Veteran Advocacy will do for each veteran will naturally vary, depending on their unique circumstances. However, the below list is typical of the tasks undertaken in implementing an Action Plan.



  • Support the submission of requests for, or submit requests on behalf of the veteran for:

    • ​DVA Freedom of Information (FOI)

    • Defence health records
      • through Joint Health Command (JHC) for serving (SERCAT  2 – 7) veterans

      • through Defence Archives for all other veterans

    • Civilian health records for discharged and reserve veterans


  • While waiting for information requests to be actioned, submit pre-emptive initial liability claims to DVA for the purpose of:

    • initiating the veteran in the DVA claims system and ‘join the queue’

    • gaining access to the Provisional Access to Treatment scheme (PAMT)

    • obtaining DVA Screening Team authorisation for claim investigations, such as imaging funding approval or audiologist referral


  • Review obtained documentation:

    • conduct a detailed, page-by page review of all obtained records to determine

      • what initial liability claims could be submitted and what evidence is available or is required to support those claims

      • what scope is there to appeal or re-submit liability or permanent impairment claims already determined by DVA

    • prepare initial liability claim documentation evidence packs, including required diagnosis forms, for claims assessed as being linked to military service

      • note that Australian Veteran Advocacy will occasionally use – at no cost to the Veteran – third party health services to assist with documentation review and initial liability claim documentation preparation

    • provide advice on any identified injuries or illnesses not considered linked to military service and unsuitable for initial liability claims


  • Submit additional initial liability claims to DVA:

    • utilisising, where possible, the ESO portal for claim submission

    • claim submissions to include:

      • medical evidence

      • statement of contention

      • diagnosis form

      • claimant reports, if required

    • submit completed PAMT form to DVA, if appropriate


  • Regular client check-ins while awaiting claim determination, noting the possibility of lengthy (eg. two year) delays:

    • review and update of Action Plan to accomodate any change of circumstances

    • submission of further initial liability claims for new injuries or illnesses that develop

    • obtain and submit PAMT form for those veterans who transition prior to claim determination

    • submit prioritisation requests where warranted


  • Liaise with DVA during claim assessment:

    • providing supplementary information as required

    • confirming post-acceptance Needs requirements


  • Lodgement of post-liability acceptance claims:

    • permanent impairment claims

    • Household Services Support (HHS) claims

    • incapacity payments claims

    • Medical Expenses Privately Incurred (MEPI) claims


  • Liaise with DVA during entitlement claims processing, again noting the possibility of further lengthy delays (six months for compensation claims):

    • providing supplementary information as required

    • providing advice to ensure appropriate compensation assessment is conducted

    • coordinating appointments with specialists for completion of any required DVA documentation

Step 3 Process

Australian Veteran Advocacy Pty Ltd ABN 99 659 944 573

All rights reserved.


Australian Veteran Advocacy Pty Ltd has no association with nor has it received any endorsement from the

Australian Department of Defence, Department of Veteran Affairs or any equivalent international agency.

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