Other Veteran Services
Military service can have a detrimental impact not only on veterans, but their loved ones as well. Below are links to some of the many organisations dedicated to supporting both veterans and their families.
If you need support or just a friendly ear, don't be afraid to ask for help.
For emergency crisis counselling contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Numerous financial services for ex-serving and currently serving ADF members.
Offer many services, including financial assistance and support for claim lodgements.
Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund
Provide benefits and support loans for financial hardship, in addition to other services.
Counselling support for veterans and their families for mental and emotional wellbeing.
This service provides exercise programs, fully funded nutrition plans, mental health programs and veteran home cleaning services. They also have an “entitlement finder". Their mission “is to provide more connection and awareness for veterans to create a closer and well informed Australian Veteran Community".
This is a registered charity and they provide numerous support and assistance programs for ex-serving and currently serving members of the ADF.
They will help:
Those who have served in the Australian Defence Force since 1990
Those who have been adversely impacted as a result of service in the Australian Defence Force since 1990
Those with a family member who has been adversely impacted as a result of service to their nation in a national security capacity
Immediate family members of the above, including spouses, children, stepchildren, and parents who are, or were, living as a family unit, and including those in same-sex relationships
Ex-spouses of a serving or ex-serving member within 5 years of the relationship breakdown, or with dependent children from the relationship
NB: Impact may be on mental health, well-being, physical health, family bonds, and is not limited to a diagnosed mental illness such as PTSD.
A great organisation, they provide social connection activities, physical rehabilitation and wellbeing, psychological services and skills for recovery programs.
They do not provide cash payments, but they do have access to veteran specific trust funds for financial hardship. They also provide crisis and transitional accommodation. Website contains some excellent testimonials and stories demonstrating how their services have helped others.
Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust
This national charity provides tertiary education scholarships and bursaries as well as financial support to children and great-grandchildren of ex-serving veterans.
Established in July 2010 they provide a perpetual trust for the purpose of providing a qualifying person from SOCOMD with financial relief.
Very specific to SOCOMD soldiers, they have a list of SOCOMD Units that are covered under the Commando Welfare Trust (CWT):
Special Operations Command
Defence Special Operations Training & Education Centre
1st Commando Regiment
2nd Commando Regiment
Special Operations Engineer Regiment
Australian Defence Force School Of Special Operations
Australian Defence Force Parachuting School
Special Operations Logistics Squadron
6th Aviation Regiment and No 4 Squadron RAAF
Defence Force Welfare Association
Established in 1959, this Association reads almost like a veteran union. They protect and improve the pay and conditions-of-service for all serving ADF members. They advocate for fair and equitable treatment of ADF retirement benefits, and for improved access and quality of veteran support services from government.
A charity to support Australian families suffering after the injury or death of a spouse or parent during or after their military service.
Assists veterans and their families by offering care, financial assistance and advocacy.
Australian government resource for veterans with recommendations for apps and programs, phone, chat and email referrals, case studies and websites.
An open global community founded by the families of Veterans to give support for mental and physical trauma. Includes a helpful resource hub to locate the services of greatest interest.
A huge resource for veterans, featuring specific training programs, anger and trauma workshops, psychological first aid courses, cognitive processing therapy, news rooms, case studies, research, treatments and trials.